It’s (more than) time for Inclusive Fashion.
How long will it take for us to see life as it really is?
We live in this big world, full of life and people from all different backgrounds. A world rich in paths and possibilities. Yet, throughout the years, our perceptions are narrowed into a tight road, as if only that lane of old concepts is the truth, or the way that things are supposed to look and be.
But does it have to be?
Last August I found myself in the countryside of England to be part of a truly special project. For three days, I was surrounded by life warriors - models with diverse backgrounds and their astonishing stories. I had the chance not only to look at them, but to hear them. I could stop and realize how much Fashion still needs to widen its concepts for what beauty really is. Even though we are all talking more about inclusivity, the journey has just started. Diverse models still feel invisible to a Fashion industry, that lacks opportunities for them and keeps overrating perfection. But, if we stop to think, what is perfection anyway?
Fashion must be for everyone. It is in our daily lives. It is how we express ourselves to the world. And it is deeply unfair for people with different conditions and in different situations to have to struggle to be part of a world they more than deserve to exist in equally. I am in this fight for representation and respect for life in all its wonderful ways, and shooting these beautiful souls just gave me even more reasons to keep opening my mind for inclusive fashion. Working with photography should be a constant exercise to see the world as it is – perfect with all its imperfections. I am doing my best to learn that day by day. And that is also why I am leaving this message for other photographers, and everyone who comes to read this post.
It can take time to start the journey back to this huge, diverse and wonderful world, but all that is needed is our first step.
The images below celebrate the (im)perfections that make each one of us authentic and are part of the film that was released at London Fashion Week SS21 for SB Shop.
A huge thanks to Samanta Bullock, for always showing me incredible new ways to perceive life.
*The shooting respected the rules of Health and Safety.
#FashionForAll #imperfection #representationmatters
Lots of love!